Wednesday 27 January 2010


As of Saturday 24th i have filmed some footage with Ruth at our film destination which is the nature reserve at Newton Hall.
The weather was perfect for our shots and also the bits of ice that were there from previous filming, where still there on saturday which was Perrrrfect!!

The footage we have captured looks really good!, and meets our aims, therefore me and Ruth are very happy and excited to get the footage all done and dusted.

Not only this but we have now got a log sheet, with all the various peices of footage which we are keeping and also deleting which is very helpful for our editing which we have started as of Monday 25th 2010.
We have had some issues with the server at our school so that delayed us of an hour of editing time but we should be back on task as of today (Wednesday 27th 2010)

1 comment:

  1. The footage is looking good. The main things now are to make sure that you get everything else shot (and that the continuity ties in with this), as well as making sure your editing is slick and pacey (remember what I said on Friday). It may be worth your while when you go out to shoot next time filming some cutaways (e.g. shots of trees as if your character is moving, pov shots etc) which you can use to accelerate the pace of your chase?
